airinefferin Podcast

I interview women in Southeast Asia to bring their unique stories and experiences to empower other women in this region of the world. Visit my website for more content :


In-Betweens - Ep. 13

Monday Jan 17, 2022

Monday Jan 17, 2022

Natasha Sondakh is the author of She Smells of Turmeric, a contemporary fiction. The protagonist is a young Indonesian woman who moved back to Jakarta after college in the USA.
Natasha herself experiences similar identity conflicts. In this episode, she shares how she navigates those issues, along with her deeply personal reading and writing journey. 

Monday Nov 08, 2021

Part 2 of vaginal health with the brilliantly entertaining Dr. Michelle Dawn Shen (Rajawali Hospital). We touch on how public toilet seats, bikini waxing, sex on the beach, and orgasms affect vaginal health.

Sunday Oct 24, 2021

Part 1 of this interview with Dr. Michelle Dawn Shen is serious yet hilarious, eye-opening, and very informative. From how to take care of our vaginas to watching our for cervical cancer, knowledge like this is something all women should be familiar with. 

Taiwan Years - Ep. 10

Monday Aug 23, 2021

Monday Aug 23, 2021

This is a special session to celebrate 10 Episodes! We made it!
Here, my mother Lily Efferin shares her experience 30 years ago. She was a 28-year-old young mother of 2 very small kids. She moved from Indonesia to Taiwan without being able to speak Chinese. After adjusting and surviving for a couple of years, she had an unexpected pregnancy which was followed by a miscarriage. 
This episode is personal and deeply emotional; a treasure of the past our little family shared.

Mozaic - Ep. 9

Sunday Jul 18, 2021

Sunday Jul 18, 2021

Colors and races intertwine beautifully in Katie and Nicky's diverse family. With a Korean grandmother, German grandfather, and Filipino father, these sisters share their experiences of growing into their own identities. 

Manta Mamas - Ep. 8

Sunday Jun 13, 2021

Sunday Jun 13, 2021

Marine biologist Janis Argeswara shares her experience working with manta rays of the Indonesian oceans. From identifying and studying the manta population in the island of Lembongan, all the way to trying to save mantas that are entangled in fishing lines; Janis is truly on the front line of marine conservation efforts. 
Support what she does by donating to the Marine Mega Fauna Foundation at:

Women in Theatre - Ep. 7

Sunday May 09, 2021

Sunday May 09, 2021

Fonnyta Amran has a 9 - 5 day job. After those hours, she turns to theatre to feed her soul. As a stage director, she has staged West Side Story, Blackbird, and Company the Musical. 
In this episode, she shares her ideas of directing: building a world from the script, piecing it together, collaborating with other talents, and presenting it to the public.
At this very moment, Fonnyta is staging The Last 5 Years, an off-Broadway production which will be streamed in June 2021. 

Sunday Apr 04, 2021

Maria Alexandra Iskandar, known as Alessa, at the young age of 22 is the Sustainability Associate at The Body Shop Indonesia. She started her ecologically friendly lifestyle at Ecocamp in Bandung, an NGO which her mother founded 7 years ago.
Alessa passionately shares the philosophy, importance, and tips on how we can all begin living a life that is kinder to ourselves and our planet. 

Sexy Start-Ups - Ep. 5

Sunday Feb 28, 2021

Sunday Feb 28, 2021

Looking for inspiration to start a small side business? Take a listen to this episode. 25-year-old Anna Febriana Jaelawijaya started her entrepreneurship journey early. She has been selling things since elementary school!
Her most recent project is an all-natural skincare brand called The Skin Diary. Take a listen to her amazing creativity, and find out the many ways you can make money with just a phone and a brain. 

In Vitro Fertilization - Ep. 4

Saturday Feb 06, 2021

Saturday Feb 06, 2021

Elvina Ingrid and her husband Morgan have been trying to have a child for a total of 7 years. They finally decided to try In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Listen to her heart-wrenching struggle to conceive, the risks she took on herself, but most of all her courage and hope. Hang around for IVF jokes in the extras. Warning: they're really weird jokes.

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